DBB Mortice Jig and Fittings in Carry Case.
Self centring mortice jig with precision cutters complete with plastic carry case.
Screw-on design carbide tipped mortice wood cutters.
Cuts lock forend as well as lock body.
Self-centring action.
Achieves an accurate depth of cut to hardwood and softwood doors.
Use with a drill with 2000 - 3000 rpm with hammer action off and a 12.7 mm chuck.
Cuts lock forend as well as lock body.
Self-centring action.
Achieves an accurate depth of cut to hardwood and softwood doors.
Use with a drill with 2000 - 3000 rpm with hammer action off and a 12.7 mm chuck.
Standard shaft: max. mortice depth 180 mm without depth stop, shaft length 220 mm long shaft: max mortice depth 180 mm, shaft length 298 mm
Door thickness
Standard Housing: 55 mm
Offset Housing Kit: 80 mm
Offset Housing Kit: 80 mm
Max. vertical travel: (average 45 mm thick door) 240 mm Door and frame with offset morticer max. 95 mm
Steel jig rods. Aluminium housing and clamps.