Chipolo: Never lose keys again
Want a little piece of technology to help you with locating your most lost item? Always putting down your keys and spending too much time looking for them? Have a little person in your life who likes to ‘hide’ the keys and forgets where they are? Cue this amazing and cute piece of technology you will wonder how you ever went without. Chipolo is a little disc you attach to your keys, remote control, passport pouch or any other often misplaced item. Chipolo can take care of your belongings and allows you peace of mind knowing you will always be able to find those hard to find items.
Chipolo works by connecting to your Bluetooth signal on your phone. Chipolo’s Bluetooth range can extend up to 60 meters when there is a clear line of sight. Chipolo item finders are compatible with devices running iOS 11 and later and devices running Android 7 and later.
Not only will Chipolo locate your missed item by ringing the Chipolo disc from your phone but you can also find your phone by double clicking the Chipolo. Chipolo also allows you to;
- Out of range alerts: Receive a notification from app when you leave your item being.
- Sharing: You can share Chipolo with your loved ones and you can all use it to find the item you are sharing.
- Community Search - Mark your item as lost in the app. When any Chipolo user comes near your item, you will receive an updated location.
- Voice Control: Chipolo works with Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Siri.
- Widget: You can ring Chipolo from your phone’s home screen, without opening the app.
- Selfie: Use Chipolo as a remote shutter of your phone’s camera.
Chipolo is such a cost effective and handy item that can make your day to day life easier.
Contact us today for more information and prices.